Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Only a Model (Shh!)

Well, we know our job for pops to help cover for what happened in Germany.  At least the first one.

We're taking King Arthur's ship to Avalon.

Yeah, that's right.  He was a Scion too, apparently.  Makes sense, really, when you think on it.  I'm looking out the window at the drydock it's in now.  Poor girl needs a lot of work, but I think between the lot of us we'll manage.  Turns out that his last journey never finished like the stories said, that his ship sank on it's way.  Causing Avalon to fade into the mist.  Yeah.  So you can guess where HQ is.  Whoever named it that needs to be shot in the face with a Death Star Superlaser.

Dad took us to where the ship had rested before bringing it all back.  Interesting view on the bottom of the ocean.  In any case, I think we can do this.  We've got a second mission too, once we hit Avalon.  It turns out the Yazata(Who are, in fact, playing their own game based on their own outlook, rather then...implicitly aiding the Titans.  Still might be hope for them if we can swing Altair to the cause.  We'll see) are hiding Andrew's father.  Yeah, that's where Andrew ran off too.  We can get Arthur back home, but...

I don't know.  Assaulting Avalon?  We're going to need to be prepared.  Crazy prepared.  I'd love to have my armor, but I doubt it'd be ready in time even with the help of the Irish smith-gods.  Who I still haven't gotten in touch with.  Always something when I go to make the call, y'know?   Plus, the weapons.  I'd rather it didn't come to a battle, but I don't expect it.  Barring the weapon I'm working on...a Browning M2 or an M249 would be nice.  I'd -prefer- to have Caladbolg...Excalibur, rather.  The sword, y'know?  Pops say it's lost to time and fate, the stories say it was returned to the Lady of the Lake.  Doesn't seem like, in the kind of world we're in, that anyone would let it out of their sight.  Even Arthur.  There might be some clue on the ship.  Going to look for it when I have the time.

Not sure what else to put down now.  Got a few plans to go over with Kenny.  For now...going to go see what I can do to help put that ship back into one piece.  I'm not big on the whole 'life and death and souls to the afterlife' routine, but...Arthur's soul is still on the ocean floor, or bound to the ship until it reaches Avalon.  He earned his rest centuries ago, it's long past time he got it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

R & R in the Old Country

I think I needed the break.

Spent some time pub crawling and checking the sights of Dublin with Cindy.  She needed the break too, gods only know what's really going on in her head.  I think I've gotten her to relax a little.  Poor girl was wound up far too tight, but given everything that just got dumped on her, hard to blame her.  After the touristy stuff, she ended up at one of dad's houses.  Wonderful little place out in the hinterlands.

I have far more family then I thought, and it's still...strange.  Horrible mental images since it's obvious dad can't keep it in his pants.  Anyway.  We were going to help one of my half-brothers wrangle a kelpie he'd let get loose, but we ended up spotting, of all people, Odin.  Myself and Kennedy went to play proper hosts, and the rest ended up trailing along.  I would've hoped they'd keep looking, but there was plenty enough time for that.  It's not every day you saw the Norse grand-poobah.  Dad came out to greet him, and we all gathered on the porch.  Let us know Bryn was ok, and pissed off  at the whole situation.  Sounds about right.

More then that, Odin wanted to hear our side of what happened in Germany and what we planned to do about it.  Layed out some of my plans.  Basicly amounted to making a choice between heading to Olympus immediately, or trying to pick up the trail in Germany.  Little chance of that, but we don't have much of any lead, and if we're to have any hope of convincing Altair there's bigger issues, we'd need something from that front.  Hal....Hal.  Didn't think I was right in my assessment that the Yazata weren't really, entirely, behind this disaster.  There's some personal bad blood there, but at the very least he kept me thinking.

Until he got called out by Kenny.  Who didn't seem to like that Hal would listen to my thoughts on Altair's 'family' and not hers.  Not my place to gossip anywhere, so I think everyone tried to tune out the arguement while we continued to plan, and eventually moved in doors.  Tch.  We've got two weeks until whatever juju dad did ticks over and Altair can catch up to us.  It's not a good time frame, especially with what's probably going to be a dead trail by the time we get back to Germany, and god only knows how long things might take at Olympus.  Plus there's whatever dad has planned for us to balance the scales after the favors he had to call in.

And I still haven't had a chance to talk to Kennedy.  Wanted to at least get my apologies out of the way for Germany with her, but I think she needs space after the dustup with Hal.  A number of other calls to make too...we're probably moving out soon, too.  Don't think we can afford to waste any more time here with the clock ticking.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

And Nothing Went Wrong

Well, fuckadoodle.

Talked to Dad.  Now that I've had time to simmer down...Jesus, what a colossal cockup.  I imagine whoever is actually behind the issues at MIST is quite happy with themselves.  Send in an attack team, -then- send in someone who, despite being the biggest ponce in the history of the Gigantic Ponce and Assclown Competition, might have been willing to talk.  After the two biggest tempers in the band had been riled and were ready to start shooting again.

We can all imagine how that went.  So as a result, the whole gang is sitting around in Dublin while dad and some of the other Tuatha bigshots are trying to settle things out.  I'm going to have to try talking to Altair....or we can send Andrew and Lexi to do so.  Assuming Andrew isn't all a part of this, and who the fuck can tell at this point?  I don't really believe it now that I've had time to settle back and think, but the timing of his sudden disapperance and the business with the squad and Dickhat McGee...I don't know.

I'm not going to apologize.  Even had I been calm, I wouldn't have just handed Cindy over to that twit.  But...Christ.  Well, nothing that can be done immediately.  I've got a couple of ideas to keep the status quo and maybe turn Princess Prettypants on whoever's mucking things up at HQ.  Might as well put him to something useful if we can arrange it.

...damnit.  I was going to liberate an LMG from the armory when we got back from Germany too.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nothing Good Ever Came Out of Germany

Well now.

Andrew bugged out.  Didn't think much of it...immediately.  Then a MIST kill team stormed the building trying to kill all of us.  Sort of narrows down the suspects, eh?  Got winged a few times, but having insta-heals meant it didn't do much.  Kenny and Hal took it worse, but again...instant healing and being insanely tough.  Then...mrgh. Lexi.  I really need to sit down and have a talk with her about where she directs that voodoo bullshit she does to peoples heads, because she can damn well stay out of mine.

It did stop the fight, though.  That, and Cindy's awesome blast-wave thing.  Supposedly the entire squad has given themselves over to Utgard-Loki, which is fucking ridiculous.  If there was any dangers, we'd be the first ones to put a stop to things, and some ass-monger who stole his name from Assassin's Creed sent the kill-team. Supposedly he can't lie or some bullshit.  Which is nonsense.  Everyone can.  And does.  I lied about my age all the time to get booze before I was 21.  Who's going to suspect the 6 foot 2 girl of being underage?  Nobody, that's who. During this whole fruity little chat, where we couldn't even insult those cockwads, I kept trying to throw off whatever Lexi did.

I suppose I'm not that mad at her, despite the fact that those little pricks attacked us and should've been dealt with.  Unfortunately, by the time I shook it off and went to start going rock & roll on 'em, their patron arrived.  How we dealt with that...

Doesn't matter right now.  All I know is that when I catch up to Andrew, that little treacherous cur is a fucking dead man.  I am going to hang him from the nearest streetlamp by his own intestines.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Press A to Skip

I think we're stuck in a bloody cutscene and nobody had the courtesy to let us know.

A bunch more talking, with one of the 'good' furballs threatening us over not wanting guff from the Krieger goons.  They just stopped fighting after Krieger went down and Lexi did her Magic Dogwhistle of Ill Portent and Doom.  The lot of them could have started again at any time, still could.  We had damn good reason and would've been well within our rights to put them all down.

Will admit though, Cindy was looking pretty hot with all she had going on.  She can get really shiny.

And my thoughts are everywhere.  I think I'm just getting frustrated that we've still got half a mission to take care of.  Kline's apperantly coming into town, and one of Krieger's former goons, I guess, is going to be the one meeting him while we keep an eye on things.  Don't think we even really settled on a plan yet.  At this point though, it might be best to either scrub the mission or haul Kline's ass in and kick it until he talks.  Not exactly subtle, mind, but I think we're starting to get a time crunch.


Cindy's been working on another painting.  I didn't get much work done on my pet projects.  Well, nothing on the computer, anyway.  Plenty worked up in my head.  Thrust-to-weight ratios are going to be a bitch if I go that route, but we'll see.  Depends on how much the plating is going to weight.  Not to mention the power plant, circuitry, the work I need on the targeting software, etc etc.  Oh, this is going to be fun when I'm finished.

Cutting this short.  Cindy's shaking my shoulder, something about Andrew exploding in a fiery motorcycle crash or something.  And now she's looking over my shoulder, telling me it wasn't a crash.  And now she's telling me to stop typing what she says and get up.  OW! HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

One down, one to go

Krieger's dead.

I've added that factoid to the MIST database.  The fight went about as everyone expected for the most part.  He sicced his goonsquad on the lot of us - the band, plus the werewolves who thought his regime was ass on wheels.  Kenny's first shot damn near took his jaw off, but...well, werewolves and regeneration.  Cindy had tweaked all our weapons but Kenny's with that silver trick of hers.  It was enough to keep the wolves we hit but didn't kill outright down for the count.

I...won't really write much on the fight itself past that.  It was a giant clusterfuck...and me and Hal damn near tossed caution to the wind when Krieger got a nasty hit in on Kenny.  But she just went full-on fuzzy and tore his everything out, then Lexi...damn, someone needs to get that girl a beer.  Not sure what she did, but she ended it.  Kennedy ended up finishing off Krieger when he refused to stand down.

That's that.  We've still got half our mission left, and it's going to be a bitch to complete with the meeting we were supposed to observe out the window.  I've got a couple of thoughts.  If it was just with the pack Alpha...we might be able to get Kenny to pull the meeting off.  I'll have to run that one by her when she's awake.  I'm not -sure- it would work...depends on how much our mole knows about other operatives.  One of the others might have a better idea.

When Cindy hasn't been glomped onto me, been working on that pet project of mine.  It's...coming.  I've had to do a metric shitton of reading, and gods only know where I can get the materials.  Dad might have some ideas if I can get ahold of him.  There's...the other option, but I don't need the others freaking out yet.  The other trick is how to arm said project, and have some thoughts on that.  I know in the meantime, once we're back at base, I'm picking up a bigger gun.  They can have their AR back, going to see if I can check out some model of LMG.  Going to need to get to lifting weights to carry the damn thing though.

Or for all I know, the magic voodoo shit in my blood will just make me stronger for no real reason other then the LOLz.  It's something I've come to expect, really.  The world is alot more screwed up then I ever really suspected, but you know what?  Wouldn't trade it.  Sure as hell beats being a register monkey at a shitty electronics shop in Brooklyn getting robbed every other week.

Closing this off.  Going to download a movie and relax before the shitstorm starts up again.  That old saw about 'no rest for the wicked' can eat it.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm Surrounded by Morons

I'm glad to see most of us care about Kenny's wellbeing.

Perhaps I'm blowing things out of proportion, but still.  Everybody seems hell-bent on honoring oaths they didn't make to a known oathbreaker, and one we know will keep up that tradition during the duel with Kennedy.  So fuck you, everybody else.  I didn't say I'd wait until he breaks his word.  Christ, even Hal is willing to hang her out to dry until Krieger breaks his terms.  There's some dedication right there.  Oh, they want to plan and everything, great.  If it wasn't putting Kenny or Cindy in more danger, I'd tell them to go hang.

Which leads me to suspect any plans I've got are going to be outright ignored because I don't want to play along with the 'Let's get Kennedy killed' fiasco they've got going.  I talked to Brynhildr and learned some interesting stuff from the MIST Werewolf database(and something else, but I need to talk to Kenny before I really write about it.)  I don't know what Hal's beef is...treat her like a person and show some manners, and she's really quite nice.  No doubt she's got her own plans for our merry little band, yeah, but I intend to talk to her about those when we're done with Krieger.  Assuming we don't all die because of the insistence we play by rules we never agreed to.

Right.  Andrew might be amenable to listening to my ideas, at least, even if he's on Hal's side in this idiocy.  I'll pull him aside.  I'll need Cindy too, that little Silver trick is going to factor in.  Oh, this is a right bloody mess.  These people...for the love of god, folks.  There are times when you have to tell the powers that be to eat it and do what's right.  I hope Hal falls off a building into a pit of damn sharks with laser beams on their heads.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Just Bleedin' Great

Second part of the report on that German nonsense.

Well, I didn't really have time to shoot the wolf off my leg.  Cindy took one sweep with that axe of hers and cut the damn thing in half stem to stern.  Pays being the child of a god I guess, because the gaping wound healed up in seconds.  None of the other wolves broke in.  Though that was more probably due to Kennedy calling out Krieger then anything else.  Idiot woman challenged him for control of the pack, and let herself be nipped to become one.  The actual fight went down the next day, but we'll get to that eventually.

Nobody seemed to want to take the obvious course of action of following Krieger and his goons back to their lair and having MIST drop a few hundred napalm bombs on the joint.  Some bullshit about pacts and oaths and such.  For Christ's sake, people.  There are some things more important, like preserving the lives of our friend, this stupid little village, and wherever else those wolves wanted to roam.  It's like nobody here wants to listen to practicality or good bloody sense.

With the fight on pause, we hobbled our way back to the inn.  Outside was a really nice lookin' car.  Inside...well, let's just say Momma ain't too happy with what Kenny pulled.  We didn't get to listen in on the chew-out though.  We talked to someone who had come in with Kenny's mom.  Apperantly, daddy dearest didn't think it was important enough to inform me I had siblings, as we talked to another of his daughters.  Nice lass, but...damnit, dad.  This isn't hard.  He got defeated by the phone company, for the love of Pete.  I need to build him a computer.  Then hit him over the head with it for never calling, getting in touch, or mentioning I had other family.  Ass.

When the talks finally wrapped up, I went to find a little corner to myself.  Started work on a pet project of mine.  Not sure when it'll be done or even out of the planning stages, but we'll see.  I think I can build something that'll keep all the crap that happened today from going on again.  Of course...for obvious reasons, I didn't get much work done that night.  Or the next day, when things finally went down.  I'll finish this later, I need to go down to the nearest storage depot and see if they have a few things.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ow, my precious leg

Apperantly, someone dunked me in A-1 Steak Sauce.

Backing up for a minute.  Krieger...well.  Is definately bad news.  Definately intends to kill us all.  Now, some might assume that's just me being paranoid, but I spotted his goonsquad through the crowd, and a few up on the rooftops as well.  It was a...tense talk, and given some of how he phrased things, he knew what we were.  He knew there were Greeks with the party.  He didn't make and sideways comments about me or Kenny, but I suspect he knew we were Tuatha.  I did throw him off guard when I told him to, effectively, piss off in the German I'd picked up on the walk up to the castle.  He tried to split us up with giving me and Lexi a 'direct view' of the Hunt, since he didn't want Cindy's axe or Rufus around.

Yeah, that didn't fly.

He walked off, some of his goons in the crowd going with him.  I snapped off a few orders to fall back and we ended up in one of the houses.  I got my rifle put together(And thank the gods that I had time to convert it to full auto.  More dakka, baby!) while Kenny cleared the rest of the house.  Unfortunately...I picked one with about a billion entrances.  There was only one in the cellar, though, so we were about to fall back through there and wait for the boys...

Well.  I'm not sure exactly what happened after that, still.  Either Cindy tripped into me, or I walked into her.  Either way, she blamed herself, and the first werewolf to bust in through the front door took a big piece out of my leg.

Ok, ok, the damage was healed just about after it let go, but fuck all, did that hurt.

There's some more to the story.  There always is.  But right now, Cindy is insisting I stop typing so she can take care of me.  The sweetheart blames herself(And I might have insinuated it'd help if she pampered me a bit and maybe carried me to bed), so if it makes her feel better(And gets me more great nookie), I'm all for it.  I'll finish up lagkjhl/,ghjlk.m,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We're off to invade Poland!

Well, this day got off to a fine start.  Trying to play Medieval 2 TW, and the computer kept pulling armies out of it's ass.  Seriously.  Reached right up there and yanked.  The planning session kicked off while I was dealing with that.  Everybody had their ideas.  Lexi just wanted us to stock up on silver weapons(which would never work.  Can't hold an edge, and a bullet would just warp after it got fired.).  I didn't have anything, since I figured MIST wouldn't approve of us putting a torch to the entire forest just to smoke out some werewolves.  Asses.  I told them in Alaska to nuke the site from orbit, and they didn't listen.  Figured they'd listen here, but noooo.  It kind of sidetracked into talk about the old Norse wolf lore, too.  But Hal, much as I hate to say it, had a point.  Even if the werewolf things attacking the area were tied to titanspawn, it'd be pretty hard for them to reach some of the areas in the city where attacks have been.

And Andrew brought up an absolutely great gem.  It seems our...side objective for being in the area is dealing with the attackers as well.  Which means life got alot more complicated, which just further proves we ought to colony-drop the whole area.  The group opted to split up(Not much choice, regardless of what horror movies have taught us.  Someone had to go spy on the meeting, and someone had to go check out the attack at a farmhouse near the town.).  Kennedy volunteered to go play spy.  Me, Lexi, and Cindy chose to go with her too.  Then...ugh.  Hal's entire squad are members of the Chivalry Brigade.  It might be fine when we're not on mission, but when we're out doing actual work, we don't have time for that nonsense.  Grrr.  I'm still steamed that they all seemed to think that us ladies couldn't handle this on our own.  I told Hal we'd figure it out.  And I did.  It took me all of five seconds of wandering through town to learn German, and that doucheclown still thought we needed one of the goonsquad.  OI.

Lexi is way too damn peppy and needs to burst into flames before she gives us all diabetes.

For my part, anyway, I opted to go with Kenny to the castle in case the meeting had computer systems set up that I needed with.  Lexi managed to freak out some University student working as a waitress after asking a whole mess of questions about the wolf and horse rider motif.  The little sprite got alot of info(See: Audio/Video recording, Village Talk.), least until she asked about what families might have a 'werewolf' reputation.  Waitress just buggered off then.  Like I said, something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

After talking our way into the castle(Reminder: send bill to Kenny for Rufus' admittance fee), we took a quick look around.  Wartburg(Aside from sounding like it belongs in Harry Potter) is a nice lookin' place.  I could do things with a castle like this(Note: Draw plans for hidden lair.).  That's the point when some guy named Kreiger showed up to talk to us.  And that's also the point where I make whichever chump is reading this wait until the next episode.  Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Channel.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

World Tour

Things are just peachy.

The week went by fairly well(including a nice date with Cindy.  And that's all any of you jerks need to know.)  I have my own pistol now, an H&K Mk 23 Mod 0, complete with suppressor and laser sight.  Cindy did some engraving work on the grips for me, too.  I'm considering adding some kind of inscription to the slide later, but I haven't figured out what yet.  Kept that M16 I looted back in Alaska, too.  Sure, it's just vendor trash, but it's shooty vendor trash.  More dakka and all that.  Maybe I can do some work and convert it back to full auto.

We're off taking care of some work in [Location redacted by user].  New mission, and all that.  Probably going to be some violence this time around too.  So, doubly glad I'm not just toting around that peashooter anymore.  Apparently there's some kind of honest-to-god werewolf pack or something in the area, and MIST brought us out here to deal with.  Not too much of a surprise, given that we dropped a wendigo and talked with Smaug.  Still pissed there wasn't any real treasure.  I could've used the Arkenstone on my mantle.

Not much has really happened, otherwise.  Guess I should wrap this up.

*Encoded Sub-Entry*

There.  That little code ought to keep this part safe.  Ought to keep MIST and such out of it, too.

Had a talk with Andrew and Lexi about Cindy.  I knew something was off on the trip over and out to this goddamn castle.  Apperantly there's some kind of connection between Cindy and Utgard-Loki now, since she smashed the stone.  Fuck, fuck fuck.  It was my goddamn idea, I knew I should've taken her stone and done it myself.

They're working on the issue now.  Apperantly, they're going to try talking to Lexi's mother and Cindy's father.  Greek pride, and all that, especially since something called the Olympus Fire would fix the issue.  It turns out I have my own possible 'in' too, as the little cock who's been sassing me all these years is actually Ares.  Yeah.  That Ares.  Lexi and Andrew really weren't happy over that one, let me tell you.  Had to pry it out of them, too.

Told them a bit about the apperant rivalry I've got going with him in just about every video game out there right now.  We've agreed to leave it as a backup if Poseidon and Aphrodite turn out to be patently useless.  To be fair, I'm not exactly holding my breath here.  I'm going to try and figure out how to get Ares to help without digging myself into a hole.  And use said plan if it looks like the other two are taking too gorram long. And keep an eye on Cindy too.  Fuck.  It was my goddamn idea, she shouldn't be the one taking a possible fall over it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just Passing Through


We didn't have to fight the dragon.  Turns out he was actually rather reasonable about the whole affair, but Hal punching off the main Titanspawn's head back in the feasting hall probably helped.  We ended up letting that little shit of a critter run off too, which is probably going to make Lexi completely insufferable.  I'm sorry, but just because the hippie bullshit way worked once doesn't mean jack for next time.  Ugh.  Could have been worse, I guess.  And I can take some comfort in the fact that it's more then likely the critter's friends are going to deal with him for us.  Less effort all around, eh?

That's the short version, I guess.  Long version as follows.  We were still debating what to do with the rat.  I suggested the old Fastball Special, and Cindy definately approved...though I think she wanted to bean the dragon with one of the stones we jacked from the gate.  Speaking of that Titanspawn head-punching...that's about when Hal started to talk to the bloody thing.  Apperantly, it had the idea of just feeding the dragon, too.  Lexi suggested binding him with the star-weave thing I did earlier.  I probably would have, if the dragon hadn't been reasonable.  Funny thing, that.

I do think Lexi doesn't quite get it when it comes to Titanspawn...apperantly she didn't want us offing the treacherous rat because it'd be 'cruel'.  Eh, like I told her, we weren't bound to be nice to the little fuck anymore after he threatened us with the dragon.  I did also point out it was worse to let him live, given what his kind would likely do, and that tossing him to the dragon would have been a mercy.  But, eh.  Things did work out.  I may have to make the point again though.  I just don't want Lexi or anyone else to get hurt because Lexi kept trying the touchy-feely nonsense.  ...and I will deny it to my dying day if anyone asks.

Hal finally opted to talk to the dragon, after it got revealed he was related to the damned thing.  Man, the Norse pantheon is screwed up.  And I though the Greeks had issues.  Cindy held on to Haarkson during the chat.  I mostly kept quiet, except to reassure Lexi.  And if anyone asks, I'm telling them it was part of my job. Not because she's a nice kid that I don't want to see splattered on the wall.  Shut up.

I did kind of tune the conversation out, admittedly.  Sorta.  I'm sure the others have it recorded in a proper report somewhere.  The skinny version basicly is 'The dragon isn't all evil, etc etc, we can go past'.  I spent most of the time checking the chains binding the dragon in place.  No locks, so I couldn't help there.  Given that the dragon wasn't inclined to eat us, and it -was- apperantly related to Hal, I kept looking for a way to spring it.  The chains had this...weird, cold aura around them that seemed awfully hard to miss.  I'm sure the others noticed too.  Oh, right.  Right.  Andrew was playing Publicity Agent for Hal, really talking him up, trying to butter up the snake too.  Seemed to work as well as Hal's speeches did.

I snapped some shots of the dragon too.  Figure I might be able to get some ideas for some kind of body armor or something from how the scales are arranged...stuff like that.  Much as kevlar does the job, proper all-around armor would be better.  I chose a hell of a time to tune back into the conversation...I swear to god, I think Hal was trying to seduce that lizard at one point.  Anyway....another part of the reason I was studying the dragon..and the chains, for that matter.  I think I might be able to build something to punch through both eventually.  I'm going to need to sit down and see if my computer has a CAD program on it.  If not, I can probably write something up in my spare time.

We couldn't use the power of the stones to free the dragon...directly.  I thought about simply trying to loosen the bolts in the ground on the chains, but that wouldn't have worked, looking back.  My next idea on the subject was much better.  Well...Cindy helped with the idea, gave me the start of it.  I suggested simply bludgeoning the chains -with- the stones, as they had the same power source, apperantly.  After some debate, that's just what Cindy did.  Apperantly it cancelled out both the stone and the chain.  The chain was reduced to normal metal which was shattered easily enough.  Something...odd happened to Cindy.  I'm going to have to keep an extra close eye on her.  She said it was nothing, that she suddenly felt cold and heard laughing, then both went away after hitting the chain.  My guess is Utgard-Loki probably got a good look at her.  Which I did not give him permission to, so I may have to have words with that little punk.

I did end up dissapointed, though.  There wasn't a single gold coin or treasure chest in the lair!  I've been playing D&D since I was five, damnit, and there's ALWAYS TREASURE.  Gary Gygax, I shall pursue you to the netherworld to get answers on why you've lied to me all this time.

Anyway, I'm going to go use the teleport-thingers MIST has set up to visit the nearest Heckler & Koch factory.  Going to get the parts for one of the Mark 23 Mod 0 SOCOM pistols and do some customization work.  I may ask Cindy if she can do a few ideas for the slide and grip.  But mostly want to rig up something that fits me better and has more punch.  Found an email in my box this morning from Kenny, bitching me out about 'that little peashooter'.  Well, yelling in her own way.  She just sounded dissapointed.  I think she might expect more from me, what with both of our parent-gods being from the Tuatha.  If this little project goes well, I'm going to see about building her a bigger rifle.  Maybe something related to the Mk82 Barret.

Oh, and apperantly her sister knew the dragon.  Small world, eh?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Half, Score: Scions 2, Titanspawn 0

You know, I remember thinking to myself, "I need something with a suppressor."  So, it's sitting in my holster hanging off the chair.  Hopefully Kenny will quit yapping at me about it now.

Ok, so we finally got on our way.  Well, after some time for a breather, which was highly entertaining.  Even if nothing comes of it, I can see that being proper friends with Cindy will never get dull.  And a fair note, I can probably taunt her into doing anything incredibly hilarious if I push the right buttons.  Before we took off, I got a free strip show(and a date, apperantly!).  Pity I doubt any of the others are as easy to poke.

In any case, we made our way down through the tunnels.  Apperantly there were troll saboteurs running around, as for a while, everybody but me kept getting pelted by falling rocks and the like.  About mid-way down, I used...well, I still don't have a proper name for it, but just something I knew how to do suddenly, to bar the way against thralls coming from behind.  Everybody seemed to think it was pretty cool too, so, bonus.  I'll have to remember this trick next time I need to screw with someone's head, I can already see the great potential in pranks.

Anyhow, we got into a little fight on the way down.  We caught up to the trolls who'd been screwing with us.  Hal basicly punched one's head off, and Cindy put her axe through the second.  Lexi, though, talked the last into showing us the way out.  Reminder: Be careful around that girl.  And keep an eye out for her too, she's going to get herself shanked or tossed off the Tower of Orthanc if she's not careful.  We didn't run into much on the way down except a big-assed chamber with, which shouldn't be a surprise by now, eh?  A dragon.  Honest-to-god dragon.  Lexi tried to send the little troll back home...then it said no, it loved her, Lexi was going to stay, and if she didn't he'd wake the dragon and get us eaten.  Charming little fuck.

Lexi and Andrew wanted to just let him go.  Hal and the Director both seemed to be of the mind that we needed to make our decision, quickly.  Kennedy, I think, just wanted Lexi to choose.  Me and Cindy wanted to put the little rat out of his misery.  Too dangerous to let go, and we couldn't take him with us.  We argued, and Cindy eventually decided to just take a swing at the damned thing.  Lexi did...hell, something to stagger her back.  Everything ended up....ok, this time, but next time Lexi decides something needs to be done, she's probably going to try the same thing, and we probably won't have time for her hippie bullshit.  I know I just said we need to watch out for her, and that's true, she is a friend, and she is part of the unit, but her being this damned naive about how the world works, especially one with beasts actively out to destroy the planet, is going to get one of us killed someday, and that will be on her head.

I'm getting way too serious.  I'm going to go fuck up some people on Call of Duty and relax.  I'll finish the story later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Earth-Shattering Kaboom

Well, that worked.

The exploding doomtruck bit, at least.  Did a real number on the clearing, and we had moved down to clean house.  We picked off a few of the thralls when a slight problem came up.  A bunch of bombs that -didn't- explode were about to catch fire.  Yeah, it worked out just as well as you could expect.  Hal got Kenny and Lexi clear...leaving me and Cindy to get exploded.  But Cindy's a tough gal and survived with just her clothes being vaporized, pretty much giving everyone there and eyeful.  Hal pulled the same stunt shielding Kenny and Lexi.  We lost track of Andrew at that point, but more on that later.  That damn bomb torched my favorite flannel shirt. Didn't do much to the body armor I snagged from headquarters, at least...and what cover there was managed to keep at least part of my pants intact.  My boots were a lost cause too, though.  So here I am, in kevlar and Daisy Dukes.  Charming, isn't it?

We didn't really have much time to lose after gathering up who we could, so we all ended up hitching a ride on Hal.  I was quite willing to simply wait a few extra moments, but Cindy ended up grabbing me and hauling me along for the ride.  Of course, as I have a reputation to uphold, I threatened to murder her if she dropped me.

Strangely, the bad guys didn't really have much in the way of people, or at least seemed that way after we went in and found the gate.  It was being guarded in this huge as hell feast hall by a quartet of giants and some dude with goofy skin who seemed to be in charge.  He didn't last long...Hal charged in to avenge the loss of the Boy Band...and, hell, I'm not just going to sit around and let my friends do all the fighting, even if they're shmucks sometimes.  So, I fired off a shot.  It didn't do much but get him looking at me, right before the Hal Express slammed into him and pretty much punched his head off.

Lexi was again doing her thing, too, and her and Hal's display pretty much convinced the giants to run off.  We got the gate disabled(Andrew showed up around now, too), and some Valkyries are apperantly holding the main gate for us...for now.  Guess the reinforcements were a ways off and are coming back.  I really wish I had brought some extra firepower.  Like, I don't know, an E-web Blaster or a hypervelocity missile launcher.  It sounds like there's -alot- of pissed off giants and thralls swarming the place, and all I've got is this pea shooter.  Might have to start a little side project to arm myself properly.  Guess it's time to see if I can build a bolter gun or something.

Assuming I survive long enough to get back to base.  Eh, details.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Hate Mountains


The bad guys tried a colony drop on us.  That town is just plain -gone-, and I nearly got flattened by the debris.  This is why Andrew should have let me have the forms, I would've gotten us -faster- vehicles.

All in all, it could have gone worse, I guess.  The Boy Band seemed to have got crunched, but Hal didn't seem too worried.  Something about a huge-ass party bringing them back to life.  Maybe this guy has the right idea after all.  And got to test that little widget I picked up after getting pelted in the back of the head by a paintball.  It's effectively an IR/nightvision setup.  Might be able to tweak it a bit, I'll have to do some studying on proper electronics.

We figured out where the gate we're looking for is, too.  It's guarded by Frost Giants and a bunch of mooks, though.  But, however, we do have a plan.  Right now, the others are rigging up one of the surviving trucks with explosives liberated from some of the other mining camps.  This part is gonna be cool.  I really need to pick up some demolitions manuals too...maybe Kenny has something.  I'll talk to her when we're not in this god-forsaken state.

Looks like we're almost ready to go.  Gonna upload this thing to the MIST folk soon as the mission's done.  Think I'll kill the rest of the time by loading up Ultima 7.  I wonder if I can talk MIST into giving me a sword that will kill whoever I tell it to with magical powers.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

That was charming

Ugh, that sucked.  Went back into the building.  At least I got the chance to try and pop the locks, except the damn door was already open.  Maybe I ought to start breaking into the armory for some form of challenge.  Cindy tried to kick the door open though.  That's about -50 'I have a brain' points right there.  Which just got proved later on.  But anyway!  We found a way down into the tunnels.  We all piled down after I got the rope secured to a piece of support beam that wasn't rotted or rusted through.  It was Kenny's rope, so I guess she gets some credit too.

Down in the tunnel, we didn't even get that far.  We got rushed by some big fragging monster, the other later said it was the one in charge, at least locally.  Cindy, having no common sense, decided to charge the goddamn thing and damn near got her face ripped off for her trouble.  The rest of us(aside from Lexi, who played some kind of kickass battle tune on that sax of hers), you know, the ones with some -sense-, and god, I can't believe I'm including -Hal- and the goon squad in that, opened up on the big critter and damn near vaporized it.  The little pseudo-zombie fucks swarmed in from behind it, but they weren't much of an issue too.  With a little help from Andrew, I managed to keep Cindy from bleeding to death.  At that point, we needed to evacuate.  Both for Cindy, and for Lexi, who got knocked around by the little critters, plus the fact that the big jackass ripped open one of the water pipes.  Lexi wasn't hurt too bad, at least.

Called in the medevac chopper and plopped down to distract myself while the others talked things over/did some kind of voodoo to figure out what else was up.  Apperantly that big fucker was a 'wendigo', and Kenny had brought it's frozen heart along with her.  Found out later that to properly keep the goddamn monster dead, we all had to drink it's boiled heart.  That was...interesting, and that's all I'll say about -that-.  Except I do feel a bit smarter.  Faster, maybe, I Dunno.  It's...weird.  Anyhow.  Andrew also dropped some bad news on us about the whole situation being worse then we thought.  Alot more tunnels and bad guys, apperantly.  Yay, I get to spend more time in the frozen North.  Where's my floating magic city?

That little cocktard I've been being stalked by had a message waiting for me the moment I opened up the laptop.  Our usual back and forth insults followed, along with a particularly good one I got in about his mom being a 5-cent hooker and him being mad he got overcharged.  Heh, that was awesome.  He made some snark-ass comment about if I'd say that to his face.  Crazy fuckin' thing next.  Jackass typed perfectly clearly for once instead of his usual l33t-tard shit, right before something smacked into the back of my head.  Little fucker hit me with a paintball with these awesome little Horde symbols in it.  At least he admits which faction is better.  Threatened to beat him to death with his own femur and asked Kenny to sweep the area behind me with that rifle of hers.  Apperantly she spotted someone, but didn't have time to shoot.  The little asshole left a calling card though of sorts, some sort of greek helmet.  After I went out to grab it, it just...changed into that awesome eyepatch/IR scope/radar gadget from MGS4.  I guess the prick isn't as much of a jerkass as I thought.  Maybe I'll let him actually win a round for once. ....nah, fuck that noise.  Gonna be interesting to see if this new ability to type properly continues.

And, y'know, Cindy isn't too bad.  Good sense of humor, at least, even if she's a bit brainless about her attack methods....oh, fuckin' A.  Now the Director is bitching about me blogging during a briefing.  Can't a girl get a goddamn break these days?  This is important shit, she's just yammering on about Jotunheim or something.  I'll read the goddamn quest text lady, just lemme alone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Day at Work

Ok, so the boss-lady wanted us to write these pseudo-blog things after missions to help order our thoughts for official reports.  During down-time is close enough, not like anyone else is doing anything right now other then poking at dead bits or not looking at dead bits.

So, first real day on the job.  Meet up with Andrew, Cindy, Hal and his boy band, and the Kennedy girl.  And some other noob named Lex.  Got sent to friggin' Alaska.  Thank god it wasn't winter, I'd hate to have to fight off zombie Titan eskimos or some other bullshit like that.  Of course, Lex is being weird as usual with that wolf of hers as we stand around trying to decide what the hell to do next.  Me and Andrew wander over to the car rental kiosk and get this, that lady behind the counter was a complete bitch.  Seriously.  If you're going to pretend to do a job, pretend to do it right, don't just stand there filing your nails or some crap.  Then the second crappy part of the day happens when Andrew ganks the clipboard from me.  What, does he think I'm too sensitive and dainty to fill out paperwork?  First people think I'm some kind of gargantuan freak back home, then in this place they all treat me like I'm made of glass.  Make up your fucking mind, universe, I know where you sleep.

We finally get on the damn road.  And it was a boring as hell ride, too.  Pretty, yeah, but boring.  And nobody seemed to understand the rule that the driver picks the music, got stuck listening to some pop crap the whole time.  Fuckin' A, man.  That reminds me, that little douche-noodle that keeps stalking me while I'm playing Call of Duty needs to go on my shit list.  I swear, that guy has to be some kind of inbred redneck.

So we finally reach Whitter.  Yeah, I'd never heard of it either, but apperantly it was important because the Powers That Be(tm) had sent another team up here and they vanished, so we got to go find them.  Pulled to a stop in front of this huge-ass, spooky as hell building.  Now, we don't know what's inside, or where the other team was.  So how does Hal and the Assclown brigade handle it?  They boot the doors open like we're assaulting the place instead of doing information gathering.  Yeah, real smart guys, let's alert any possible bad guys in the state to our location.  Then they get uppity about being OSS trained when I mention that they're fuckin' idiots for breaching instead of letting me pop the lock.  I hope they get eaten by goddamn Grues.

Of course, the noise did alert the creepy-crawlies inside.  Don't know what happened to those folks, but they were spoiling for a fight.  Cindy hauled off on a charge with that big-ass axe of hers.  Me and Creepy Wolf Girl provided fire support along with Captain Chivalry McJerkass, and I didn't really pay attention to the Assclown brigade.  They probably did some shooting.  We did end up killing the lot of them that jumped us.  They were people at some point, I guess, and I don't really like shooting people.  Eh.  I'll deal with that crap by stomping on a bunch of lowbies in Goldshire.

I think they found parts of the team.  I heard some talk about one of the other team's ID cards.  I haven't checked inside yet.  Oh, fucknuggets.  Now I'm getting yelled at for blogging during a mission.  Dark Helmet was right.  I AM surrounded by assholes.