Well. We finished the job with our group. Put one through the snake's eye, Cin chopped one up fairly well. We both may have gone a tad berserk when Lexi got stared at by one of those snakes and dropped. Cin had too, earlier, but didn't get as bad of a hurt. In either case, we finally did get all three snakes dealt with. The giant...not so well. It didn't really get dealt with until the cavalry got there. Some huge dude made out of bronze and gold. Lifted him up and carted the giant off.
While I was tending to Lexi, we figured out that a bunch of the other bands who'd been ratting around at that stupid party had dealt with attacks on other areas of the city. Apperantly, one of the Titans saw a giant glowy bit with all these divine folk gathered together and decided 'Titan smash!'. Lovely, innit? That there's really nowhere to hide, in the end, unless you become a hermit. Charming.
There wasn't anything I can do for Lexi. Didn't figure there would be, so we ended up heading back to the barn. The kid is resting now, and I'm waiting for a few calls to get some results on finding her a proper healer. Far as I know nobody else in the band can take care of it, and Lexi doesn't seem to have the regenerative powers most of the rest of us do. But ain't nothing for it, I suppose. Just need to be careful...maybe see about getting her some better body armor. Maybe her mom has some ideas. Could ask Ares, but...I'd rather not deal with him just yet. Or be in debt to the little punk.