One day, we're going to go somewhere nice. Maybe a beach. For all it's issues, Troy was nice. And then...two underworld's in a row, an argument with the High Court...I knew I was cursed. This is what I get for opening my mouth so many times. Fate has it in for me. What am I supposed to do about it? I could curse Fate, but that's just piss her off. So, I'll continue as is - grumbling to myself and occasionally ranting about it. But no direct attacks. I'm not -stupid-, after all.
Andrew guided us along the thread to the first dock on Duat's river. Once we had our boots on the ground, we headed towards the first actual gate. Something is wrong down here. Which is not a surprise, really. We only had to fight and bind a giant snake in Hel's own house, why would anything ever go simply? Lexi, the little mook, tried to get us to go faffing about. Put my foot down on that, and Andrew backed me up. Anyway. What was wrong was that there weren't Pesedjet spirits down here. Not just them. A ton of the Abrahamic religion followers had their spirits lined up. Given what we saw in Helheim, I'm starting to suspect there's similar trouble down here. Especially given that the bloody Dodekatheon is mucking around with Nyx. I'm starting to understand why the Dagda wants to kick Zeus' sorry ass so hard, now. They're all idiots, save a remarkable few.
A sphinx had the temerity to growl at Rufus. Rufus. The most suave and debonair wolf to ever live. I gave him the bloody tophat and monocle to prove it! What do I need to do, get the man a pipe? He is a gentleman. Unless I was right and they did think he was cute. I probably was. It is Rufus, after all. Any talks with the sphinx or it's other half? Mate? Fellow guard? Whatever. Those talks never had to happen. Kebauet prevented that. The band talked to her for a time before she pointed us on. Imhotep himself...well. Took some talking to, but we did convince him to come with us. Of course, while we were debating, Apep's assassin's started infiltrating and getting in close to us. In the spirit of not faffing about when we're all about to be murdered, made the call to just get our asses in gear. We're headed up. There could be more...temporal issues, but it's better then having to pick our way through a metric ton of traps.
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