Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Act 3, Scene 1

Well.  We've made new friends already.

Why does it seem like every time we go somewhere new, and meet new demi/full on gods, they have to be stuffed up assholes?  Seriously.  And then, when they are that way, it's my fault for treating them like they're assholes.  It's...mrgh.  I know I have a temper.  I know my reflexes tell me to kick anyone in the teeth if they're being twats.  I just need to sharpen that edge a bit.  I know I can't really go on with my first reflex in any situation being to be a snarky little jackass.

But, Rome.  We're not going to be here long.  Made a deal with the man in charge not to stuff this place into my plans.  Makes sense.  There's enough history here, divine and mortal, that I have no great desire to wreck up the joint.  I'm not sure where we're going to set up, but I imagine it'll be somewhere just as close to Olympus itself.  In a way, it makes sense.  We can set up ways for our Pesedjet allies to get in, all I have to do is blow the horn Hel gave me and the million-strong Aesir army springs up.  And a small band will have a much easier time staying under the radar.  Thuringia is a possibility, but I'd rather not put Kenny's folk on the spot if I don't have to.  I'll see what everyone else can come up with.

Speaking of - it seems Hera pulled Kenny aside after our jump through the warp pipe.  Something about our intentions for Olympus and history between Hera and Kennedy's half of the family.  And Rufus...damnit.  I can hope he'll slowly learn to lean back towards his old self.  But I don't know.  Damnit.  I really should've known better, the old boy's like that because of my fuck up.  And while logic might dictate Kennedy and him saying they knew the risks, that doesn't make it easier.  It's different when the ones that get hurt aren't the faceless masses.

Which just makes me think.  I've no problem with throwing this massed army of Aesir and Pesedjet at Olympus if I have to.  And while I wouldn't want to waste them...it'd be harder to mourn.  I don't know them, not in the slighest.  I guess it might be a blessing the High Court hasn't sent aid yet.  I'm sure it'd be harder throwing Tuatha-born at the front lines.

Is this really going to be my test, Fate?  Make sure I can wear some stupid bloody crown and not break by dropping me into a situation like this?  Is there a point, or are you just doing this for kicks?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chalk up another one for the good guys

Looks like we won this round, too.

And at least we're out of Duat.  Hopefully the next trip through an underworld is many, many centuries off.  We had finally reached the scales of Ma'at.  Judgement time, yay?  What happened with the others is theirs to tell, or not, as they please.  No need to rat on them for it.  Myself, though?  Got dropped into the waters up to chest level.  On the bad side, I'm probably glad I don't have Andrew or Kennedy's perceptions into the machinations of Fate.  On the good side...I think I amused Ma'at.  Something about being defiant to the end, regardless.  I can't say that having amused a goddess is a bad thing in most cases.  And she let me go.  So who am I to complain?  Of course....dad actually spoke up for me too.  He reminded her that even 'tricksters and rebels' have their place.  And then he made a pass at her.  Seriously.  I wish that was a joke.  That man is impossible.

That's when Anubis made his appearance.  He addressed us all as one, then me specifically.  The Pesedjet have pledged their support in the push for Olympus when the time comes.  Not a bad lookin' army so far.  A million dead Aesir and the Pesedjet.  I'd like to be sure the Tuatha would be there as well beyond myself and Kennedy.  And I would have loved to be able to bring the eastern pantheons in.  But I suspect the Bureaucracy would have simply laughed, and I doubt that the Amatsukami would even have deigned to acknowledge some whelp from the west.  We're going to need them after, so maybe finally drop-kicking Zeus to the curb will get us some notice.

There were...other events, but they also aren't for me to go into.  As things stand now...I need to find a way to discuss things with Hera.  She's the obvious choice for what I intend to do.  I also need to find a way to get ahold of Athena.  Anubis said he was bringing us to Rome.  Quite a bit closer than I imagined, but given everything, it should leave Goras out of the picture, which is how I wanted him in the first place.  I'd like to arrange the same thing for Athena.  It'd be great to have her on our side, but I don't expect it.  All I seek now is to convince her not to fight for Zeus.  Stepping aside would probably be best anyway.  If the plan for Hera falls through, Athena is the next candidate I'd put on the throne.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Always with the Snakes

Well.  Guess I'm going to be without my shadow for a while.

We ran into a giant snake while we were trying to guide this bloody boat through the rocks.  It's...made of shadows.  And if I fire off the Sun mojo again, just causes all the old issues again.  Then...Cindy, in her infinite wisdom, decides to attack and leave her charge unguarded.  So when the snake turns our shadows against us, there's nobody to help.  My shadow was dispatched easily enough by a simple shot straight to the heart.  I think Kennedy simply turned her god mojo on her own shadow.  

Of course, when Cindy finally got back to it, she just tried to -grab- the damn thing.  Which worked about as well as one can expect.  Simple grabs ain't gonna work, hopefully she figured that out.  This...is going to be tough.  There's really only one of us who can't fully cut loose to deal with the damn critter.  Hal is good at his work, but it took all of us to deal with Kur, and I haven't seen a bone golem to distract this snake.

I've got a few ideas if it comes to it.  I need to start charging up my own mojo.  If Hal can't outfight it on his own, maybe...damn it.  She of the Throne my ass, Fate.  It's walk into it openly or risk everything isn't it?  

You know what kids?

Being a demigod kinda sucks.