Sunday, February 26, 2012

Snakes on a Street

Once again, alot of yammering.  Lexi is apperantly trying to solve some mess of a love dodecahedron that was going on at the party.  She's trying to make Hera and Aphrodite happy, but the both of them want people to end up with different ones.  Trouble is, Hera's effectively got the spirit of Lexi's pop as a bargaining chip.  Giant Greek clusterfuck.  And Lexi's not willing to simply let it go...I can't really blame her, it's her father's spirit after all, but he's only there in the first place because he was an oathbreaker.  Ugh, what a headache.

So ultimately, we're all going to go have chats with different people involved here, see what we can sort out.  Then Cindy insulted my traditional breakfast.  I mean, like I said.  I had it for years and look how well I turned out.  Hrmph.  Oh well.  What she whipped up wasn't bad.  Pretty good, actually.  It's just not cocoa pebbles and whiskey.  Ah well.  We eventually opted to simply go out for a while before hunting down the folks we needed to talk to.

Of course, everything decided to choose that moment to go wrong.  Should've figured, but what can you do?  Nasty snake critters being lead around by their tenders...apperantly with the ability to burn people's eyes clean out of their heads.  Peachy.  And regenerative powers out the wazoo.  You know what?  I'm going to start investing in exploding bullets, I'm tired of perfect shots just glancing off.  At least we know taking out the brain will put them down for good, thanks Kenny.

Being called.  I'll finish the story later.  The short version is, there were guns, and snakes, and shootings.  And Cindy's axe.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Musings and Thoughts and Laser Beams

While Cin makes breakfast(traditional my foot.  Traditional Claire breakfast is Cocoa Pebbles with chocolate milk and a glass of whiskey.), thought I'd get some things down.  Views on the rest of these chumps I'm with after all this time, y'know?  Alright.

Family goes first, so Kennedy.  She's a damn fine shot.  Probably the only one really able to lead this band of misfits aside from Andrew or myself.  Girl needs to open up, though.  Well, ok, at least be more assertive when she isn't about to cap some fool.  I suppose that business with Hal didn't help much.

Guess that can take us to Andrew, next.  Only one of us from a pantheon outside of Europe.  Probably the only one of us with his head screwed on straight.  No real temper to speak of that we've seen, keeps his eye on the mission and not personal issues.  Probably needs to get laid though.

Which takes us to the prime candidate, Lexi.  One of our Greeks, and sweet as sugar.  Enough so that I'm pretty sure I'm going to get diabetes just from being near her.  I guess she's the morale officer of the group, always ready to talk and make nice, and she was sent out well equipped to do so.  But I guess being the kid of Aphrodite has its perks in that department, huh?

Next is Captain Douchenoodle.  No, I suppose his name is, technically, Hal.  As you can see, I'm not overly fond of the chap.  I'll be the first to admit I have temper issues, especially when it comes to loved ones in harms way, but this  He makes me look like Lexi by comparison.  It's not -all- bad, though, as much as he pisses me off most of the time.  He's got a warrior's spirit, and is probably the best all-around fighter we've got.  Not to take anything away from Cin.

Speaking of.  Cindy, Cindy, Cindy.  I could spend an inordinate amount of time on her(giggity), but I should probably try to be objective.  She's...frustrating, at times.  No regard for personal safety in the slightest(which does wonders for my blood pressure, really.), and...well, the next bit is -my- fault.  I vaguely recall something about it being my idea to use the stones to smash the chains on that stupid dragon, which got her into her current mess.  It's been...partly fixed, and hopefully this time in Greece will let us fix the rest.  But...damn.  Wait...that sounds way too much like there's nothing good about her.  There is, lots of stuff.  But thigns that are pertinant to the band...mmm.  Probably our 'Berserker'.  Doesn't worry about defense, but good god, don't get in her way in a battle.  Puts everyone else before herself too...if she didn't, Germany might've gone a bit different.  But it's endearing, too.  ....and her entry is already twice as long as the others, and I said I wouldn't do that.  I'm such a noob.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Party time. Excellent?

Well, it's the next morning.  I got my chance to talk to Artemis.  It wasn't her in Avalon, not really.  Likely it was an...after image, of the one time she'd been there to retrieve her deer after the Morrigan decided it'd be a good blood sacrifice.  I guess now I'm taking it upon myself to repair any damage between Artemis and my erstwhile sister-in-law.  I'd rather not have them fighting, as after a long night spent chatting with her, she's really quite nice.  Got her contact info in my phone and everything.  At least I didn't have to deal with Ares tonight, but this bloody festival is going on all week.  Ugh.

But that was more the last half of the night.  First...oh, Rhodey, you are going to get an asskicking as soon as I figure out a way to wreak my vengeance properly.  Maybe sister-in-law will have some advice.  Maybe talk to pops, too.  Mannanan and the old man.  Ought to call mom and the old man, too.  Been a while.  Probably would want to hear about the Avalon thing.  Anyway.  Rhodey used some kind of mind-screw to make us all think we were his best bloody friend.  I'm really getting tired of that sort of nonsense...anyway.  So, we're all mingling, me and Cindy are talking to Harmonia, and Rhodey-boy pulls a gun. might be surprised to find out I didn't just take a shot at him.  First was that mind-screw.  Two...y'know, I'm not really a violent maniac.  I've actually calmed down quite a bit, especially since Avalon.  Even if, as I said, I still feel like shooting alot of people.  I don't really imagine it now.  Progress, right?

We didn't get to start a proper fight, though.  Me and Rhodes followed the sound of shouting to a bunch of centaurs having Lexi and Andrew cornered.  Well, Lexi cornered, Andrew got chucked into a bush.  Aside from a bunch of centaurs being assholes, I think I missed something while dealing with Donny.  Kenny did interfere a bit...probably more of that mojo people keep throwing around. Enough to interrupt whatever Rhodey said Lexi was using, anyway.  Let's just say the whole situation was messed up and leave it at that, continuing to think about it just brings up unpleasant images.

Cindy's up, sounds like she wants to go get breakfast.  Guess I should eat something before the madness starts back up.

Man, and I thought my extended family was weird.  If me and Cindy ever get hitched, half of these people aren't getting invited.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ding! Grats!


We came home from Avalon with that power boost.  While the others were off tending their own business before the ceremony we had been invited to, I stayed at Pops' place.  The rifle was shot, but I was able to modify it into a neat little pistol.  Should pack more of a punch then anything else I could easily get my hands on short of a vehicle-mounted M2 or a tank cannon or something.  I was able to talk to Brigid, too.  Nice lass, I think I'm going to get along with her real well.  We had a nice chat, and she did...something to the pieces of the pistol while I was working on them with her.  Found out among other things I can just call the weapon to my hand regardless of where it happens to be.  No more leaving it behind in goddamn Germany.

Oh, right.  Had a little chat with Lugh, too.  He was happy as a clam about how I won him that bet with Pops.  I think he zapped that gadget I picked up in Alaska.  I'm not exactly sure how yet, but I'll figure it out when the time comes.  There' awful lot of that sort of thing in this line of work.  Flying half-blind all the time is not exactly pleasant, but...fate tends to be a special bitch to people who try to buck that trend.  And I've got enough issues with that.

The ritual was....well, what it was.  I don't particularly feel like going into it.  Just one of those things.

Got told we had a few months after that before we'd -have- to do anything.  So me and Cindy went on a little tour/vacation/series of dates that didn't involve violence.  It's a nice change of pace from our usual nights on the town, hopefully we can keep that up.  Spent some time trying to help rebuild MIST.  I spent most of my time helping get the armory back in order and up to function.  Might as well make it my personal playground while I have the chance, eh?  Also dragged her out to a few places in the Caribbean and the States.  Banked on our newfound celebrity status in the divine circles a few times, too.  Now -that- is strange, finding out you're a household name.

Met Cin's family, too.  I think I'm going to get along with them, too.  Indigo seems to approve of my tinkering...and I think Kyria will too, if I can build her a heavy enough set of weights or some other way to test her strength.  I guess Cin gets her single minded side from her.  I guess, otherwise, things were pretty quiet.  Haven't had time to relax since this 'Hey, you're the kid of a god' business kicked off, and I get the feeling the times are going to be few and far between.  Enjoy it while you can, and all that.

We all apperantly got invitations as the hot new demigods in town to some wedding between a couple of Greek children.  The big names are going to be there from the pantheon...oh, meeting Ares is going to be awkward.  At least the chance to talk to Arty should come up.  Last thing from Avalon to settle, really.

Well, we're at the party.  Guess I should pay attention instead of mentally blogging.  Which is pretty cool, now nobody's going to yell at me for blogging during a mission when they don't know I'm doing it.  Chumps!